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Specialist in the treatment of muscle stress, tension & pain

Thursday 7 November 2013

All For A Great Cause!

Working for World Peace
I want to say a thank you to those who were scheduled for their massage treatments last Fri Nov 1 2013. I worked for one of my favourite causes - World Peace! 100% of my wage that day went to the New Kadampa Tradition Buddhist Temple Foundation. Just this week I had some good friends who returned from Portugal where the newest of the temples were officially opened and over 7,000 people gathered from all over the world for one purpose - to become a little wiser! 

Buddha's teachings
The idea of World Peace sounds great to all of us but how can we ever accomplish it? Now maybe we do have a long haul ahead of us but like anything else I feel we have to first be the example of what we wish for our family, friends, children and future ancestors to be in years to come. 

I remember when I first heard this wonderful quote from Geshe Kelsang Gyatso.

"Without Inner Peace, Outer Peace Is Impossible."

Now if you've never meditated here is your opportunity. Simply re-read the above quote and memorize it. Then close your eyes and continue to recite quietly in your mind and deeply contemplate the reasoning behind this statement. Then imagine that you are directly experiencing a wonderful feeling of pure, inner peace. Notice how you feel and then try to maintain this new feeling for 5-minutes. If you wish you can then imagine that the whole world is suddenly overcome by the same blissful feeling through you. Again try to maintain this thought and feeling for 5-minutes. 

A Daily Practice
Taking this above meditation as a daily practice when you then step away from your seated meditation, in a quiet space and all alone - the true measure of your practice becomes the familiarity and recollection of these thoughts and feelings when we meet unfriendly people, difficult circumstances at home or at the workplace and our desires are unfulfilled! Again, this takes time and lots of practice. Training the mind is very similar to training the body. With a regular practice, good teachers and suitable resources we can accomplish our final goal. Visit www.meditationalberta.org for more information on meditation programs in and around Calgary, Alberta.

What You Want More Than Anything Else
Ultimately, if you think about it deeply, we are all searching for the same two things - freedom from all pain & suffering and to experience everlasting happiness. Buddhism has taught me and many, many other people how to actually work toward these ultimate wishes and my wish in supporting this great cause is that my family, friends, patients, community and eventually everyone, have the same experience.

To your Inner Peace


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