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Specialist in the treatment of muscle stress, tension & pain

Thursday 24 October 2013

Just what the Doctor ordered!

My reality slap! 
So yesterday I had my first experience with a clairvoyant, and not just anyone but Canada's Top Clairvoyant - Kjarlune Rae (Kj for short). I arrived with a good friend of mine and was already prepared with my list of burning questions about my future and possibly even the lottery numbers for this week's $50 million jackpot - my Mum always says "if you don't ask, you don't get!" Needless to say as I entered her office, almost instantly she started on my list without me having even uttered a word. 

"What the bleep do we know"
After I picked my jaw up from my lap, I thought I'd better pay close attention to what I was thinking in the event she truly was reading my mind. Not sure if that is the case but Kj progressively chipped away at each of my questions without me ever actually asking her directly. Long and short of it, my reality slap hit me firmly in the face when Kj exposed my near addiction to everything that is still and peaceful. For several years, I have talked about... thought about... but when experiencing the overwhelm and fear I've hesitated, procrastinated and essentially gone back to my 'security blanket' of everything being still and peaceful. 

"Spiritual & Physical"
Kj was quite accurate in her description that meditation has many benefits but unless we check our mind and integrate into the physical world then we have little chance of attracting wealth, expanding our business or accomplishing physical health. I've found that I have slid into the momentary experiences that I need nothing, no-one and I'm least important because I have everything that I require in my spiritual world - peacefulness and contentment. However, the bottom line is that when we meditate we stop and the physical world never truly stops. Even the experts agree that everything is energy and energy never stops, it only changes form.

Kj was very clear in her message to me. Stop thinking and start writing. And so today I begin this new journey of express and communicating my insights & thoughts to help serve humankind in the best possible way that I know - health, spirituality and unleashing our potential.

Amidst my jaw-dropping experience with Kj, I forgot to ask about those lottery numbers. Now where is Kj's phone number...

Keep healthy,

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