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Specialist in the treatment of muscle stress, tension & pain

Friday 25 October 2013

Inspiration vs. Motivation

Rise & Shine
As a father of 4-boys (aged 9 and under), you just never know what time your day may begin. This morning it was just after 6am, not bad in the grand scale of things. One morning I woke up to my twin boys performing 'Gangnam Style' at 4 a.m. and don't get me started on the interesting times we had when the twins were between age 2 and 3 (hint: it involved poop!).

Inspiration vs. Motivation
One of my greatest teachers, Dr. John Demartini, shared one of the clearest teachings I've ever heard in the discovery of what inspires you versus what you require motivation to do. For example, nobody has to wake me up and motivate me to be a Dad, a husband, read, educate, meditate, workout, hike, travel and entertain the many kids on our street. These are things I love to do. I have the greatest amount of focus, energy, happiness, joy and I have the greatest influence over these areas. Yet ask me to do some origami, listen to rap music or paint the house, I will hesitate, procrastinate and require outside motivation to even consider doing those things.

What is your hierarchy of values?
Just think about your own life - what do you think about most? What/who do you surround yourself by? Where do you put most of your energy & focus? Whatever it is that you migrate toward and feel inspired from within is what Dr. Demartini classes as your highest value. Whatever it is that you procrastinate and require outside motivation is your lowest value. Follow this link to discover your hierarchy of values. This is worth 30-minutes of your time!

Discover your vision, mission & message
Consider that your journey is to discover what your highest values are and dedicate your life to fulfilling your own purpose whilst serving the greater good. What message, service, product or business would you bring to the world. Think about the many people who could benefit if you could just learn how to package and communicate your message, service, product or business with those who are waiting to hear about it, invest in it and feel inspired to fulfill their own life. 

Nobody is going to come knocking on your door to get you on track to what it is that you are supposed to serve the world with. Go discover your inspirations!

Be healthy,


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